By Chris Churchill/Contribuor Sometimes a story is straightforward; easy to understand. Sometimes it is not. Or is it? It is…not. In the case of the books with the more complicated structures, it is often the extreme difficulty understanding what the author is trying to get across that is, in many ways, it’s own reward. “The 1975 Kansas City, Kansas White Pages” is one such case. It would appear, on first blush, that it is too thick to read in it’s entirety. Is this some sort of dare from an over-literate bumpkin? Is it meant to be read or just ripped in half to impress people? Well, I assure you, it is meant to be read. I sat down in May of 2008 to start out on the extremely rewarding task of decoding this beast. It took me 9 years to read and I lost most of my important personal relationships in the meantime but it was worth it. To start, let me help you get a little ahead of the game. This book has a couple really important devices that help you along. Firstly, not one...