By: Chris Churchill/Contributor What the hell does an elephant or a mule have to do with either of these parties today? Are elephants dogmatic, rich and selfish? Are mules empathetic, secular, and over-educated? Not that I know of. Where’s Sir David Attenborough when you need him? And of course, the above attributes aren’t all that make up the two parties. I suggest, based on a series of less tangible traits, that we find new mascots. I hereby nominate, to represent the Republicans, the bonobo. And to represent the Democrats, the chihuahua. I want to to disclose a little about myself before I go on. I am from Kansas. I am the son, grandson and great-grandson of Protestant fundamentalist preachers. However, my dad, my siblings and I myself are highly educated. Most of us have advanced degrees in fields that are meant to help others. Psychology, sociology, social work, therapy, communication. These types of things. I think one could find reason to believe ...